It is illegal for landlords or letting agents to charge certain fees to tenants on new or renewed tenancy agreements that were signed on or after 1 June 2019.
You should check what fees (if any) the agent will charge and ensure they are complying with the Tenant Fees Act 2019 before agreeing to allow them to let out your property.
Any landlords or letting agents found to be in breach of the Act are liable for a fine of up to £5,000 in the first instance and if a further breach is committed within 5 years, they are liable for a fine of up to £30,000 or prosecution. Read the government guidance for landlords and letting agents on the Tenant Fees Act 2019.
You may find it helpful to engage an agent to let and/ or manage your property, particularly if you do not have the time to manage the property yourself. You should check that the agent complies with all relevant regulations and if they are a member of an accredited professional body.
London Victoria Groups Limited is a member of ICO, which is a client money protection scheme with UKALA and has been "Total Loss Client Money Protection" membership no.
London Victoria Groups Limited is also a member of PRS "Property Redress Scheme". You can find out more details on the agent’s website or by contacting the agent directly.
London Victoria Groups Limited is a certified Safe Agent.
The Tenant Fees Act sets out the Government’s approach to banning letting fees for tenants. The key measures of the Act include:
Alongside rent and deposits, agents and landlords will only be permitted to charge tenants fees associated with: